Disclosure: Tomi Plan LLC is not registered with the SEC, FINRA, Insurance Department or Bar in any state or any other regulatory body to give advice as to specific securities or any other regulated products, or to give insurance, tax or legal advice. While Tomi Plan employs Certified Financial Planners and gives comprehensive financial advice, it will not give any advice about any specific securities, insurance, regulated products, tax or legal advice, nor should its advice be construed to be advice about specific securities or any regulated product or as legal advice. All recommendations provided by Tomi Plan should be implemented with the assistance of licensed and qualified professionals.
One or more shareholders of Tomi Plan LLC are partial owners of M.H. LeBlang Inc., a FINRA licensed Broker Dealer, Aegis Wealth Group LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor, or Olson Wiest Law PLLC, a law firm. Tomi Plan is committed to supporting and enhancing the client’s designated professionals and does not refer clients to these entities unless requested by the client or the client’s professionals.